Graduation is a great event. Just think, in addition to the fact that it means that final exams are behind and fresh grad can finally exhale and go wild, this is the point that marks an entirely new life stage.

Yesterday, a person lived according to a specific scenario, which is more or less the same for all people of his age. And now he or she has to independently choose some other route that will largely determine his/her whole future life.

We have chosen 16 best gifts to suit every taste or pocket to help you congratulate your friend/sibling/child warmly. These gifts can express inspiration, hope, and a positive attitude toward graduation as the start of the path to the true self, which they would like to remember forever.

Personalized photo crystal

How to please your closest people and make them remember any great event? A 3D crystal may become a perfect solution. You can present this personalized photo gift to anyone and make an unforgettable impression!

The company offers customized 2D or 3D photo crystals created with laser etching. From keychains and lockets to more monumental crystals on stands with LED backlight – the customer can choose from a variety of shapes and sizes to embody their idea in the best way.

Coffee brewing gear

For third-wave coffee movement fans, some alternative coffee maker will be a great and memorable gift that fills every morning with both energy and aesthetics. Choose french press, siphon coffee brewer, pour-over coffee maker (V60), or another alternative coffee brewer.

Decorative activity calendar

For friends who, after graduation, move to different cities, a calendar with a pre-planned joint event (for example, a festival, a concert of a favorite band, or a movie premiere) is a good option.

For such a calendar, any mood board-holder or wall grid is suitable. Clip the event tickets upon a frame, and also, it can be decorated with memorable photos and funny notes to make it more personal.

DIY Piñata

For minimalist lovers who do not like to burden themselves and their space with extra items, but prefer bright emotions to souvenirs, pinata will be a great gift. Friends can easily make a piñata on their own, personalizing it based on the tastes of the recipient, or inside jokes within their gang. Such a gift will be a great bonus to a noisy farewell party!

Instant camera

In the wake of nostalgia, instant cameras are trending again. Now on the market, there are many digital instant cameras from the legendary Polaroid and other brands. Moreover, some models can print and upload photos to the network at the same time. The instant camera is a soulful gift expressing the wishes for new vivid impressions and inspiration.


Although a suitcase is a practical gift, it is associated with travel and adventure, so there is something romantic about it! Such a gift is likely to be useful to a graduate who will now travel more. The suitcase can be personalized in a vintage style by ordering cute luggage stickers.

Home Gadget

Smart home devices save time and effort, so they can be an excellent gift for someone who just starts to run the household. There are many helpful, inexpensive items, for example, robot vacuum cleaners, smart natural sunrise alarm clocks, intelligent speakers, mixers grinders or blenders, humidifiers, and more.

Indoor plant

The publication of Parisian bloggers’ Judith De Graaff and Igor Josifovic book, Urban Jungle is a real trend. But, regardless of whether a person is going to turn his house into a jungle, an indoor plant has always been a great housewarming gift. And graduation is often associated with a change of residence.

A potted plant will not only perfectly complement the interior. It can also be the first “pet” to take care of quickly, even considering the frenetic pace at which yesterday’s graduates are forced to live while interning, looking for a job, and adapting to the new realities.

Moving “survival kit”

A gift basket full of the essentials needed in a new place can be an excellent gift for practical people going to change residence.

Think about all those useful little things that are in every house, but about which the person who has lived with his parents all his life will most likely forget. He/she will be pleased that someone took care of his comfort in the first (and most stressful) days in a new place.

Household toolset, first aid kit, some bathroom essentials, canvas shopping bag, home fragrances, corkscrew, whatever – it all depends on your imagination and sense of humor.

Custom Printed Clothing

Custom printed tee or hoodie is a low-cost but heart-warming and creative gift. Friends can order matching shirts with identical or related pictures, write their catchphrases, or capture memorable dates. This idea can be considered as a no-risk alternative to the couple tattoos.

Patchwork Quilt

A handmade patchwork quilt can be a great birthday gift or graduation gift from a parent to a child. You can use children’s clothes rags, their baby blanket, or curtains from a nursery – in short, and you need to get creative.

The message of this gift is that the child grew up and makes the step into adulthood, but part of his/her happy childhood, cozy parental home, warmth, and support of the family remain with him/her forever.

Of course, such an idea requires a lot of time and effort since it’s not merely a decorative object that can be found when you Google “gifts near me” phrase. Still, if a parent is fond of needlework and thinks about a gift in advance – nothing is impossible!

Music On Vinyl

Despite the full availability of music online, physical media is still associated with something special, more personal, and nostalgic. A vinyl record of the favorite album always means much more for a music fan than the same collection downloaded on iTunes.

Just think about those concerts you attended together, or maybe you have a song that is “your song,” or perhaps, there is some kind of album that sounds like an inspiring soundtrack to significant changes and new life that awaits the graduate.

Life Skills Classes

When it is about a graduate who will live alone for the first time, an excellent gift can be classes or training on acquiring new life skills that are useful for young adults.

For example, it can be self-defense courses, cooking classes, money-management lessons, first aid training, and more. Today, a wide range of exciting courses is available both offline and online at an affordable price.

Planting a tree

A tree is a great and meaningful gift for anyone concerned about the environment. Besides, it is a powerful symbol of a new beginning. There are different options from planting a tree by yourself to using an online platform, which ensures that someone plants a tree for a client, and then he/she can follow it online.

Business Suit

It hardly makes sense to distinguish gifts for women and contributions for men, but at the end of this list, it’s still worth adding some good old classics. A good business suit is a good present for a graduate of any gender from parents since it can become the “lucky” piece of clothing, for example, for future job interviews.

Personalised Graduation Gift

Need to elevate your gift gifting skill for graduation? How about considering personalised graduation gifts to be given to your friends? You can make it more memorable by adding their names and you can also print their photos as well.

You can present your friends or special someone with a custom graduation mug printed with your wishes and other gifts whilst incorporating their personalities into the gift.

Personalised gifts are both thoughtful and unforgettable and they will certainly stand out more than any other gifts.


A wristwatch is a traditional and poignant graduation gift, which is a metaphor revealing in that it presupposes the changing periods of one’s life.

If chosen well, the person can wear this watch for years to come.

To sum it all up, graduation gifts can be either practical or more symbolic, material, or not. It can be some necessary things for future adult life or heartwarming souvenirs expressing nostalgia for childhood, adolescence, school years.

But in any case, choosing a gift, it is worth focusing on the personality, character, and hobbies of the graduate. A truly thoughtful gift will show the recipient that their inner world is appreciated. Such a present will undoubtedly become a beautiful memory of this challenging but exciting stage of life.