Seriously, Covid-19 is no joke. This epidermic has brought about massive changes in our daily lives. As much as you need to practice good cleanliness while maintaining a healthy lifestyle, there is one important thing that you should not overlook and that is your mental health.
Not everyone can stand living in isolation or stay confined in their own home. And there is nothing that can deteriorate your health faster than loneliness.
So how do you cope from feeling lonely? We have some tips up from our sleeves to help you relieve yourself from boredom and feeling alone.
- Stay connected with your loved ones and friend

No, you don’t have to face it alone. Everyone faces the same thing and that includes your family and your best friends too. But who’s to say, this quarantine period should hinder you from having some fun with your loved ones?
Grab your phone or laptop and starts checking upon them. Do a video call, Skype call, text them or anything, so that they won’t feel alone and for you to not feel like you have no friends left. Hey, ‘We’re all in this together!; so start channeling your High School Musical spirit.
And if you have old parents or grandparents, don’t leave them behind! Call them. They need you.
2. Movie & drama marathon

Aha. Movies. There is nothing that can help soothe one’s mood better than bingeing on one’s favourite movies and k drama. If you have been complaining about how you don’t get to watch your favourite sappy dramas because you are busy working, well this is the time to do so!
Whether it is on Netflix or Astro, we bet that in your mind, you already have a comprehensive list of what to watch for this period. So, get going then!
3. Read

We cannot stress the importance of reading enough. Only about 1 million articles have addressed this. :p Do you know that reading is necessary for your brain development and it improves memory?
If the kind of reading that you have been doing is the one in which you continue to scroll your Facebook news feed and read whatever stuffs in there. No, I hate to break it to you, honey, that is not the kind of reading we want to cultivate in you.
We are talking about the actual book! There is nothing on this earth that can beat the vanilla scent of a printed book (Apologise, book nerd alert). It doesn’t matter if you want to read a printed copy or an online version, you should read something beneficial to you.
Save some gossips when you meet with your friends. It is time to feed the mind!
4. Exercise if you can or do household chores

Raise your hand if you are exercising during this MCO period! It is not easy, we can vouch for that. But if you can do so in the comfort of your own home, why not? There are numerous indoor exercises that you can try and it will help to alleviate your mind. Of course, if you haven’t been exercising for such a long time, the first time you try it, it may be hard haha.
A better alternative is for you to do household chores. MCO brings out the best in some of us. Some have become creative by trying out new recipes, gardening, decorating their house, so why not you become a domestic engineer for a change?
Clean your house and go all Marie Kondo for all the kinds of stuff you don’t need. Trust us, this will help takes your mind off some things.
5. Surprise someone even from afar

Although you are under restriction movement order you shouldn’t restrict yourself from remembering someone close to your heart even if they are living far away from you or your partner who is living in the same house with you.
So what should you do?
How about treating someone with a surprise gift during this MCO period? And we know you are dying to gift someone a birthday present, let them know that you miss them and remember them.
We have 60% OFF to help you celebrate your loved one’s birthday.