My School Bag Essentials

It’s the start of a new year. It’s such a dread to have to go back to school and resume your responsibility as a student, but its also exciting as a new year indicates endless possibilities. Finally leaving secondary school and making a huge leap into college, everything is different. From having a strict dress code with uniforms provided, to being able to freely express yourself through fashion. From constantly having to reach school at seven in the morning, to having a flexible timetable. Everything has changed.

Do you remember when you used to carry a huge backpack filled with countless of textbook and notebooks? Wipe that nightmare out of your memory, as college means having two classes a day. The burden of a heavy backpack is no longer an issue. You can now carry a cute, lightweight bag to go with your outfits.

Tote bags are the new trend. You see lead female actors rocking them on-screen suchlike Kang Mi-rae in My ID is Gangnam Beauty or Kim Bok-Joo in Weightlifting Fairy and get so tempted to try one yourself. However, finding a tote bag with a design that suits your elaborated fashion sense can be a tad bit tough. So, why not just design one yourself?

I, myself hopped on the fashion bandwagon and got myself a tote bag that I custom-designed myself. I’ve been using it throughout my entire year of college and have been loving how lightweight and handy it is at storing all my essentials. Ever since then, I’ve developed a few items that is a must-have in a school bag.

Essential #1 – An emergency girl kit

This is the most vital item in any girl’s bag. In mine, I like to include a lipstick in case there is an abrupt event where I have to look decent or presentable. I also like to keep mints within a hand’s reach to prevent bad breath especially meeting someone for the first time. I’m sure you don’t want that to be their first impression of you. Of course, the most important item of all, pads. Even if you know your menstrual cycle very well, you should still keep one readily accessible as you never know when that one item could help a friend in need. This small pouch also holds other miscellaneous objects suchlike bobby pins and hair ties that makes the biggest difference when it is needed.

Essential #2 – Earphones

My long, uneventful train-ride to college every morning is accompanied by my earphones transmitting soft, mellow tunes into my ears. This pair really makes my morning commute much more bearable. The morning boost of music really gives me the lift and drive I need to get my day started. This crucial item is also a helpful piece that helps me focus and concentrate when I’m busying away for finals.

Essential #3 – Water Bottle

I always remember to bring an eco-friendly water bottle with me to school because it is very important to stay hydrated. Especially in the hot and humid country known to us as Malaysia. This way, you can just refill your water bottle instead of purchasing those plastic water bottles filled from the convenient store. Most colleges would definitely provide drinking fountains around campus to reduce the use of plastic and encourage environmental awareness. So, remember to pack one!

Essential #4 – Charger

In high school, there would be rules in place to regulate your behaviour and prevent you from bringing certain objects to school. Smartphones being one of them. However, college encourages the use of technology to aid teaching and classroom activities. College and universities even go as far as providing charging pods at various study areas around campus. So, don’t forget to bring your chargers when you go to school!

Essential #5 – Cap

It’s always blazing hot outside. So, I’d always keep a cool, trendy custom-made cap in my bag just in case I ever need it. Since there are a ton of walking in between classes, as they are usually located in different buildings, this adorable cap of mine always come in handy. Plus, caps are currently in trend, so why not kill two birds with one stone by using the cap as a fashion article and also to block out the glaring sunlight?

These are the five essential items that I would always carry in my tailor-made tote bag from Printcious. What’s yours?