5 Awesome Uses of Custom Button Badges

5 Awesome Uses of Custom Button Badges

Compared to the various other custom gift item options such as non-woven bags or personalized photo mugs, button badges are slightly less popular in terms of the demand for them. This is perhaps due to most people today not realising how beneficial or useful pin...
Let Your Trade Take You Across Borders

Let Your Trade Take You Across Borders

  The Selangor International Expo was recently held in the Mines Exhibiting Centre (MIECC) where over 500 representatives of business, multimedia and digital sectors were present for the annual 3-day expo. As part of the expo, SITEC Southeast Asia E-Commerce...
What Does This Button Badge Do?

What Does This Button Badge Do?

Pin-back buttons or button badges, as it’s widely known, are little brooch-like things that can be fastened to a garment using the safety pin attached. Believe it or not, the earliest versions of these were first introduced in 1789! Can you imagine it? That was over...
Instant Gift Printing with M9 Online Platform at METALTECH 2016

Instant Gift Printing with M9 Online Platform at METALTECH 2016

  Last month, Printcious was present for the METALTECH event with M9 Online Platform. METALTECH is world renowned by manufacturing industries as the most effective platform for suppliers to launch their new products and services to local and regional buyers. This...
Instant T-shirt Printing with Drypers – Mother’s Day Event

Instant T-shirt Printing with Drypers – Mother’s Day Event

So we’ve done instant custom button badge printing and custom mug printing, but did you know we do instant custom print t-shirts too? You would’ve known if you were at IOI City Mall, Putrajaya on the 5th to the 8th of May! Drypers was having their Moms of Malaysia...
Printcious at Do You Doodle Malaysia 2016 Contenglah Event

Printcious at Do You Doodle Malaysia 2016 Contenglah Event

  If you didn’t know already, Printcious was the sponsor for the Contenglah 16’ held at Makespace, Quill City Mall on the 2nd and 3rd of April organized by Do You Doodle – Malaysia Facebook Page. We not only sponsored the event, we were part of the event too! We...