6 Personal Finance Tips to Help You Start Saving

6 Personal Finance Tips to Help You Start Saving

Do you know where your money goes every month? Does your family run on a budget breakdown? Or do you go on spending everything you have without setting aside some savings for a rainy day? Here are 6 Personal Finance Tips that you can apply for yourself and your family...
How to Know if Someone Likes You: 7 Signs

How to Know if Someone Likes You: 7 Signs

Ah, the age-old question of does he or she like me. Although this question has been asked many times, people keep on asking so as to find new answers to this question that will hopefully shed a light on their current or prospective relationships. And so here we’ve...
Top 8 Tips for Photographing Kids

Top 8 Tips for Photographing Kids

Every parent wants a great photo of their kid, but kids have a mind of their own. Sometimes, that just doesn’t happen. I have friends who photograph kids for a living, and even they say kids are as unpredictable as the weather. They are the...
3 Fun Ways to Improve Memory:  Long-Term & Short-Term Memory

3 Fun Ways to Improve Memory: Long-Term & Short-Term Memory

Sooner or later everyone gets old. That’s just the way of life. You’ve seen it happen to those around you from your parents, teachers, neighbours, etc. And as age catches up to you, slowly but surely your physical and mental abilities will start to falter. However,...
How to Get Your Child to Eat More Whole Grains

How to Get Your Child to Eat More Whole Grains

You’ve heard of it. In fact, you know it – whole grains are healthy and a necessary part of your diet. For children, it’s just as – if not more – important to eat whole grains. In fact, according to the Malaysian Dietary Guidelines for Children and Adolescents, at...