How do you make the best of the Designer Program? You’re probably wondering how does one get to the first page of the Designer Page. Well it’s not all coincidence!
If you do not know how to upload your images and create products, check out this post: How To Join Printcious Designer Program
Our program evaluates a number of few factors, such as number of designs and products, how many people have viewed your products and designs as well as the completion of your Designer Page.
If you’ve not completed your Designer Store yet, here’s how to do it. Remember, the higher you are on that list, the easier people see your designs!
1. Click on Edit My Store
2. Fill in your details such as Store Name, Tagline etc.
3. To change your image, just click and upload! Keep note of the recommended size on the bottom left.
And this is what it’ll look like! Your Avatar goes to your Designer Store and your Logo goes to the Product Page!
This is completely optional, but fill in more things! Make sure you fill your Payment Info so it’s easier to cash your royalties out 😉
What are you waiting for, be our top designer TODAY!
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