Gifting your loved one with flowers for Valentine’s Day is by no means an unfamiliar concept. And the most common flower gifted is unsurprisingly the rose. This magnificent flower has held the number one position for such love-filled occasions since as far back as the Greek empire. It’s almost unthinkable for anyone to get their significant other another type of flower as a Valentine’s Day love token. However, don’t you think that it’s a right shame to keep on gifting your loved one with just roses when there are so many other wonderful flower options out there? It’s not that we dislike roses or mean to intentionally offend all you rose lovers out there. We just want justice for the other flowers that also deserve to shine in the limelight as brightly as roses do.

1. Red Carnations

A strong contender to roses is the carnation flower. They are said to be the second cut flower of choice after roses. If you were to gift this flower as a Valentine’s Day present to a loved one who celebrates their birthday in January, they’ll surely be touched and overjoyed by your sweet gesture as carnations are the birth flower for that particular month. The great thing about this flower is that it can also be made into a tea by simply steeping the flower in boiling water. So, if your significant other is a fan of flower teas, they’ll be sure to love this 2-in-1 flower gift.

2. Gardenias

First, we’re not talking about Gardenia bread. Although, if your lover is a huge fan of the bread who are we to judge. When we say gardenia here we mean the flower; the pure white flower with a darling sweet fragrance. This flower which is typically used for wedding bouquets can also be gifted as a Valentine’s Day gift on account of them expressing one’s pure feelings of love and devotion. Similar to carnations, gardenia flowers can likewise be brewed into tea where it contains many health benefits such as reducing cholesterol and relieving congestion. For your health-conscious lover, no flower makes a better Valentine’s Day present than this.

3. Red Camellias

Does the name sound familiar? You swear you’ve heard it before but can’t remember from where? If you’re not a flower expert or typically don’t have anything to do with flowers in your day to day life then most probably you’ve heard of camellia through a loved one of yours who enjoys watching dramas be it local or international ones. Currently, on TV3, the Malay drama ‘Camelia’ which stars Diana Danielle and Ain Edruce is a hot topic amongst Malaysian drama fans. And before that, there was a Korean drama titled ‘When the Camellia Blooms’. This Valentine’s Day, gift your drama-addict lover with a beautiful flower that shares the same name as their current favourite drama. As invested as they are in the drama, they’ll definitely adore this romantic and thoughtful gift of yours.

As mentioned before, there are many other flowers out there that’ll make delightful Valentine’s Day presents for your other half. We’ve only managed to cover three of them here but believe us when we say that roses, carnations, gardenias, and camellias are just the tip of the iceberg. So before committing to a single type of flower for one of the most important romantic celebrations in your life, make sure to do a bit of research first. We’ve started you off by providing three viable flower options here; the rest is now up to you. Since we’re feeling exceptionally generous, let us help you out just a tad bit more by providing you with a great online gift shop that’ll allow you to custom-design your own Valentine’s Day gift for him or for her from scratch.

Also, flower delivery in Singapore has become increasingly popular in recent years, as more and more people are looking for convenient and hassle-free ways to send flowers to their loved ones.

There are a wide variety of flower delivery services available in Singapore, ranging from online flower shops to brick-and-mortar flower stores.

While online flower shops typically offer a wider selection of flowers and better prices, brick-and-mortar flower stores offer the added benefit of being able to speak to a florist in person and getting expert advice on flower arrangements.