junks-gardenIt’s ‘the little things that keep you happy’, says Junksgarden and we wholeheartedly agree. A pretty flower, a mountain of sweets or a Pikachu swinging on a Pokeball; those are things that can definitely make you smile.

Junksgarden’s designs put emphasis on curves rather than straight lines. This allows their artwork to look simple yet cute at the same time.

Think you’re the only one that will succumb to the temptation of food? Heroes can fall for snacks too!

If Miley Cyrus can ride on a wrecking ball, Pikachu can ride on a Pokeball! How cute is this Wrecking Pokeball?!

Junksgarden is definitely not a junkyard. Artworks drawn from the heart, this is a space you should keep your eyes and attention on starting today.

Find Junksgarden on Printcious today!