Over the week, Madam Ho Ching, wife of Singapore Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong, was seen sporting a rather curious little pouch during an official welcome at the White House by President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama.
Photo credit Pablo Martinez Monsivais
Flecked with charming dinosaurs, 19-year-old See Toh Sheng Jie’s Denim Pouch was a hit. Talk about statement pieces! It’s no wonder The Art Faculty by Pathlight’s dino motif product has sold out. What’s even better is that it’s all for a good cause.
Photo credit THE ART FACULTY
Pathlight is a school in Singapore for children with autism. It’s through the Pathlight School’s Artist Development Programme that many artwork and merchandise of students and alumni are featured and sold.
It’s an amazing chance for all artistically inclined autistic children to exhibit and promote their works. It’s also a truly wonderful programme that sheds light on the value of art and the related challenges these unique individuals experience.
See Toh Sheng Jie, 19, at The Art Faculty by Pathlight in Enabling Village on Aug 4, 2016.
Photo credit Koh Mui Fong
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