The Covid-19 pandemic has permanently changed the way we live and work, with many organizations moving to a remote working setup where employees have the flexibility to work from anywhere. Though the first few weeks were challenging, most companies and employees have become comfortable with this working style, and it is expected to continue post-Covid as well.
That said, such a work culture is not conducive for every role, and hence, many roles and jobs have been wiped off because they are no longer relevant. At the same time, this pandemic has thrown the spotlight on some of the evergreen roles that have not just survived this pandemic but also grown tremendously during this time.
In this article, we will be looking at a few such tech jobs to give you an idea of the job market trend.
Web Developers
The Internet has become the backbone of society today simply because people can get on with their activities without having to step out of the comfort of their homes. Right from ordering food to telemedicine, everything is being done through the Internet today.
Almost every organization, regardless of the size and nature, wants to have an online presence to continue doing their business in these difficult times. And this means a web application and web developers to create these applications.
Typically, web developers can create an end-to-end application that showcases an organization’s products and makes it easy for users to shop directly. In the case of companies offering services, these developers ensure that such services are available online.
Since these developers can bring an organization’s products and services to customers’ fingertips, they are being sought after this pandemic. Not surprising that these jobs pay an average of $50 an hour!
If web developers are one side of the coin, designers complement these developers to offer a holistic experience to end-users. Web designers are responsible for the look and feel of the application.
Imagine you’re visiting a company’s web page. Just a mere glance at it should give you some measure of trust about the company’s reliability, and more importantly, you should be able to find the product or information you want. Designers handle that essential task. For this role, too, the median hourly rate is $50.
Data Scientists
Data has always been invaluable, but this pandemic has taken data analysis and its importance to new levels. Data scientists are those who organize and analyze large amounts of data to identify specific patterns and behaviors. In other words, they discern some sense out of the chaos of large volumes of data!
These data scientists have a critical role to play in the current pandemic, regardless of what data they handle. For example, governments want data scientists to analyze the number of infections, the regions where it is spreading fast, and other pertinent data to take the right containment measures.
On the other hand, businesses want to know what products are selling fast, predicting demand based on customers’ preferences and buying patterns, usage rates of their services, and more.
So, regardless of the organization and its operations, data analysis is the key, and this is why data scientists are always in demand. This explains why data scientists earn anywhere from $95,500 to $165,000 a year.
Data Analysts
At a glance, the role of data analysts and data scientists may seem alike. In reality, though, there’s a sea of difference as data analysts simply analyze the data to get meaningful insights while data scientists predict the future based on these data patterns. In this sense, both these roles are complementary as they work in tandem.
The Covid pandemic has brought out the importance of data analysts, which is why this role has seen tremendous growth despite the prevailing challenges in the labor market. A survey conducted in July showed that 67.7 percent of data analysts felt positive about their jobs, and 64.4 percent were positive about their organization’s capability to handle this crisis.
In all, everything’s not lost during this pandemic. Essentially, jobs that are more likely to be used in the future have grown tremendously during this time and have given a glimpse of what the future may look like.