Compared to the various other custom gift item options such as non-woven bags or personalized photo mugs, button badges are slightly less popular in terms of the demand for them. This is perhaps due to most people today not realising how beneficial or useful pin button badges are. And so, we have listed down the various uses of pinback button badges that’ll help you to see how they can be effectively utilised be it for personal or professional use.
1. Employees/Staff
If you’re working in a company where you’re often hosting or participating in events, roadshows, conferences, etc., button pin badges can prove to be useful for the identification of staff members working the event floor. For larger events, part-time workers who aren’t your usual colleagues might also be called in to assist. Therefore, through the use of pin badges, not just you but also the attendees will be able to easily identify staff members from the other participants, customers or clients. You can, of course, get matching work-wear, but that’ll cost a lot more than personalised pin buttons.
2. Campaigns and Celebrations
Pin badges were originally created for campaigns and large celebrations such as Queen Victoria’s 60th birthday. Their compact size and affordable price makes them the perfect souvenir to gift to the masses who attend such celebrations or campaigns. And since such events are usually held outside, it’d be a good idea to get something light that can be carried and transported with ease.
3. Affordable Door Gifts
Similar to the previous two, button pin badges make suitable gifts cum souvenirs for various events which also include weddings, birthday parties, annual dinners, etc. For large orders, you can even get a cheaper price per badge. How wonderful is that! Let’s say you’re hosting a baby shower; you can print onto your chosen custom badge button pins an adorable image of a baby with colourful balloons in the background.
4. Fashion Accessory
Besides being effective gift items for events, button pins can also be made into stylish fashion accessories. It can be designed however you like with text, images, graphics, and more and then pinned onto any surface you desire be it your bags, caps, pants, jackets, or shirts. Through such a small and simple addition to your everyday attire, you can easily present various style looks.
5. Collectables
Being a fan of a certain celebrity, actor, singer, or pop group is no simple matter as the urge to collect their merchandise can be overwhelming. However, as in most things in life that cause us pleasure, it doesn’t come cheap. So, instead of splurging God knows how much on their merchandise, why not create your own button badge collectables online at a much more affordable price. By saving this bit of money, you can put it to good use for their fan meets or concerts.